Из интересного - it's a "couple song" of the main theme Wu Ji . The two songs have almost the same music but in different scale (maybe someone could explain a little?) and follow the same rhyme (rhyme on nasal vowel /ɑ̃/ )。This phenomenon, called 次韵/步韵 in Chinese (literally following/stepping (in) the rhyme), is very popular in ancient Chinese literature. It occurs mostly between two friends. One dedicates a poem to another, who will response by a new one with the same rhyme.
То есть, по хорошему, чтобы перевести эту песню, нужно следовать ритму/рифмам основной темы или каким-то образом давать на нее отсылки. Хм...
еще один вариант перевода на английский песни云深夜微凉 In Cloud Recesses chills the night 皎月清风拂心绕 The shining moon and the clear wind stroke my heart 一人对雪望 A lonely people gazes the snow 望尽前尘事过往 Gazes deeply the ashes of time
姑苏天子笑 The Emperor's Smile of Gu Su 埋雪独藏风华貌 The unique gorgeous contour excelling the snow 【Note: double sense here, WWX described the liquor with JC and JC said it was like he talked about a person. Since there is no subject here the vers could refer the liquor but also LZ here.】 静室琴声遥 From the Quiet Chamber 【Note: LZ's room at CR】 comes the singing of Qin 【Note: LZ's instrument】 弹一曲问灵空回响 He plays the Inquiry, echoing vainly 【Note: Inquiry is sort of LZ's superpower. By playing the Qin he can communicate with the spirits (cf. EP with Lan Yi). So when WWX died LZ tried to find his soul by playing the Inquiry for 13 years but in vain...】
你还在问吗 Do you still inquire? 问尽古来世人的痴狂 Inquire the insistence and the extremeness of people from yore to now? 【note: 痴狂 is very difficult to translate here, cz as far as I know in the western civilisation there is no equivalent. Maybe you can just imagine a knight/troubadour/gallant who lives at his will (perhaps Cyrano de Bergerac could be a good example?). Some scholars (like XU Yuanchong) translate 狂 as radical but I prefer to not use it as the word "radical" has just developed other connotation in modern language. 】 谁又在远方 Who, gone away, 再问世间故人黑白毁誉几多量 Inquires again how to measure dark and light, vile and noble on earth? 还能忘记吗 How could I forget? 云深共许一诺人茫茫 *In the Cloud Recesses we made together a promise but now we are lost in the crowd* 君又在何方 Where are you now? 相望不忘 We gaze each other, with no oblivion
泽世韵含光 He is a fair gentleman now, providing help for the world 逢乱必出声名扬 He always acts against wickedness and gains a great reputation 【note: lost in translation here. For me, 逢乱必出 (literally: meet disorder must go out) is quite a commonplace used several times by author in the novel to describe exclusively LZ. Very different from nobles in other clans, LZ went night hunting at every place where he found even the smallest strange just hoping to find WWX's soul.】 他却不肯忘 But he just refuses to sink in oblivion 踏尽前尘事过往 Seeking in the ashes of time
避尘铮鸣响 His sword Bi Chen clanging 难避恩怨是非狂 He can not hide, between vile and noble, between hatred and kindness 静室琴声遥 From the Quiet Chamber comes the singing of Qin 弹一曲问灵空回响 He plays the Inquiry, echoing vainly
你还在问吗 Do you still inquire? 问尽古来世人的痴狂 Inquire the insistence and the extremeness of people from yore to now? 谁又在远方 Who, gone away, 再问世间故人黑白毁誉几多量 Inquires again how to measure dark and light, vile and noble on earth? 还能忘记吗 How could I forget? 云深共许一诺人茫茫 *In the Cloud Recesses we made together a promise but now we are lost in the crowd* 君又在何方 Where are you now? 相望不忘 We gaze each other, with no oblivion.
你还在问吗 Do you still inquire? 问尽古来世人的痴狂 Inquire the insistence and the extremeness of people from yore to now? 谁又在远方 Who, gone away, 再问世间故人黑白毁誉几多量 Inquires again how to measure dark and light, vile and noble on earth? 还能忘记吗 How could I forget? 看客散去唯你我不忘 The bystanders have all left but we still remember each other
与君在身旁 You are by my side 别来无恙 Asking "are you doing well, since the last goodbye"?